Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I'm IN!

Well, I'm an official blogger now. Emma just slipped off the chair as she was coloring at the kitchen table. I'm still unclear whether she hit her lip on the table's edge or she bit it...but it caused a bit of bleeding and a lot of tears. When I went to pick her the first thing she said to me was "Mirror?" And MY first thought was, "Boy, that's funny. Where's my camera? I've got to put that on the blog!" Of course my motherly instincts took over...and I thought the story would be appreciated without the photo. When I took her over to the mirror and she surveyed the damage, her remark was, "I don't want to wear a band-aid. I don't!" A little vain, wouldn't you say? Gotta love her.


Robyn said...

I'm so glad you've finally crossed over to the dark side (maniacal laugh). Not so happy about Emma's lip :( Send her my love and a big squeeze!

mini and brother said...

I'm cracking up. I love blogs, before you know it you'll be posting pictures of your children 1/2 naked and you'll talk about their bodily functions. Just kidding, I know you wouldn't. Sorry Emma hurt herself. We almost lost Amelia to a tall kitchen stool.

Robyn said...

OK, I thought you were "IN" but where's the bloggin' about your birthday??? How's 30 so far? I need to know since you are OLDER than me...

mini and brother said...