Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Getting ready one morning I walked out of my bathroom to see that Josh had brought all of his bedding (and more) to make his youngest sister comfortable on our bedroom floor.
Hannah - "I think I'll just pretend I'm asleep." Hannah - "Maybe if I just close my eyes real tight these guys will get the hint and leave me alone!"

Da Fam at Da Bulls

Hmmm...maybe pick on someone your own size?

Woohoo we won!

Home Sweet Home...Grandma, too!

Thank you, Grandma Laura for your thoughtfulness! Grandma, taking a trip to FL just after we returned, sent a box of souveneirs the kids LOVE! Ok, so Josh got a little confused as to whose gift was whose...reminiscent of those days past at Disney...He finally did let go and Minnie resides in Hannah's crib.

Thank you, Grandma!



Lazy Days

During our brief stop in Tampa, Uncle Norm GRACIOUSLY gave of his time to show us the ropes at Lazy Days, his home away from home. WOW! What a place! And WHAT a tour! We had a lovely afternoon--even got to board the latest models and enjoy a free lunch! The kids were absolutely tickled to meet their Grampa's brother who, as you can see, is cut from the same silly cloth!

Please pray for Uncle Norm, who is undergoing many health struggles at this time. His incredible faith and trust in the Lord has been such and inspiration! Thank you, Uncle Norm!

Celebrity Siting and Signing!

Chuck Colson, a member of the First Baptist Church of Naples, spoke the Sunday morning we attended unbeknownst to us! We stuck around after the service to meet him!
Mommy made good use of the time snapping photos of the baby of the family...

(And she was very cooperative!)

And they lived happily ever after...

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm IT! (Tagged, that is!)

Where was I 10 years ago?

Writing papers and preparing for final exams finishing up the first semester of my senior year at Liberty University.

5 Things on Tomorrow's To Do List:

Price items for my upcoming garage sale.
Return purchases to the mall.
Pick up Josh's eczema prescription.
Drop off next year's deposit at Emma's preschool.
Fill up my gas tank.

5 Snacks I enjoy...

Only five?
Bergers Cookies
Chips and Salsa
Lance's Hummus

5 Things I would do if I became a Billionaire:

Yippee! I like my brother am a dreamer and have thought of the answer to this question many times before it was asked.

1. Buy a summer home and winter home for all to use at OBX, NC and Deep Creek, MD.

2. Set up a fund for all family members to pay for any schooling in memory of my mom.

3. Whisk the fam off to England for a European Vacation Take 2 including front row seats at Me And My Girl.

4. Family cruise - Ladies Only

5. Make a large donation to River Valley Ranch. (Maybe they could name the snack shop after me or I could carve my initials into the Sycamore tree?)

Basically, lots of family time, lots of memory making!

5 Bad Habits:

Biting my lips.
Perfectionism to the point of Procrastination.
Taking on more than I can handle.
Sarcasm. (The jury's still out as to whether that qualifies as a BAD habit.)

5 Places I've Lived:

Elgin, IL, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Crystal Lake, IL

5 Jobs I've Had:

"Cleaning Girl", Activities Director at a youth camp and home for assisted living, Teacher, HR Director and Mommy (my favorite)

I tag Karen, Diana, Jenny and Jessica. (I don't know how to link the html or whatever....)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

We interrupt this program...

When Josh comes running in the kitchen saying, "Mom, look--Hannah!" repeatedly, I know that I better check things out. This time, however, I even managed to grab my camera. Like I said, Robyn, (and others may remember from previous blog posts) this toy is a favorite. Lately, the kids have been playing astronaut with it.
Third child emerges unscathed.

Florida or BUST!

We were VERY fortunate to beat the 12:00 p.m. snowstorm on an 11:30 a.m. flight to FL in January. Sorry these photos are coming to you so late...but you'll be sick of them by the time I'm done! Here we are on the ferry going to Walt Disney World. Let the fun begin!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Movin' On Up

Ok, so Emma was busy playing today as she frequently does--very imaginative and very independent. Today she was climbing up the stairs with a backpack on her back, a purse full of pretend money, and pulling her small ladybug suitcase up the stairs.

"Mom, I need your help," Emma calls from downstairs.

After making the trek down and taking hold of her heavy bag I ask, "Emma, what do you have in your suitcase?"

"Everything," she replies.

"What's in your backpack, then?"

"Everything," she replies once more.

(Which begs the question,) "Are you moving out?"

"To a condo," she replies.

Happy Easter!

He is Risen!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" I Peter 1:3
Amen! I am so blessed by the truth of this verse!
We had a joyful time with the Gapp (West) clan for our Easter celebration! We were so blessed to also be joined by two former neighbors! Here are the pics...